MoMo - Monstermom

You are a solo monster mother waiting for her newborn's egg to break. A newborn monster is very weak and easy loot for hunters. You need to keep your baby alive for 10 days. Then it will be grown up and can survive on its own. You need to take care of your baby in order to survive:

Protect it: During the day, hunters will come for you and your baby. Fight them with your pink slime balls and collect food or traps from them to survive and protect your baby.

Feed it: Once broken out of its egg your baby needs food or it will die. Search the area for food or grab it from dead hunters.

Keep it warm: Nights are cold in the forest. Collect logs to make a cosy and warm campfire during the night.

Use WASD to move and collect items and LEFT MOUSE to shoot, use and place items.

Keep it alive!

This game was made in 48 hours during the ludum dare gamejam


Download 20 MB

Install instructions

Just download and extract and start surviving!


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